Saturday 15 April 2017

Celebrate Charlie Chaplin’s 125th Birthday By Watching This Classic, Hilarious Clip

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Celebrate Charlie Chaplin's 125th Birthday By Watching This Classic, Hilarious Clip

Today marks the 125th year since the birth of one of cinema’s great pioneers. Charlie Chaplin, born on 16th April 1889, was responsible for many of the most exciting developments in the history of film-making.
He took theatrical traditions and made them new again for cinema with his distinctive filmic eye and comic genius. He thought in celluloid; he blended high and low art, comedy and tragedy, farce and sincerity. One of the few silent actors to make a successful transition to talkies, he always knew when and how to reinvent himself, and the media he worked in too.
 A true legend and a hero to so many filmmakers and film lovers, myself included: Sir Charles, we here at /bent salute you.
So celebrate his birthday and raise a glass to Charlie whilst watching this wonderful clip from “The Circus” (1928) which features his iconic Tramp character. 

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