Thursday 2 February 2017

Activism works: Backstabbing Republican withdraws bill to sell off public lands

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Activism works: Backstabbing Republican withdraws bill to sell off public lands
By Walter Einenkel 
This land is your land, this land is our land
Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz is high on the list of elected officials who are craven hypocrites. After his cowardly backstabbing display around the inauguration and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Rep. Chaffetz went to work on selling off public lands.
“It’s time to get rid of the BLM and US Forest Service police. If there is a problem your local sheriff is the first and best line of defense. By restoring local control in law enforcement, we enable federal agencies and county sheriffs to each focus on their respective core missions. “The long overdue disposal of excess federal lands will free up resources for the federal government while providing much-needed opportunities for economic development in struggling rural communities.”
Rep. Chaffetz, feeling the heat of people from both sides of the aisle who like their public land to be publicly available to them, went to his Instagram account to post this.
Since the image doesn’t embed, it’s of Rep. Chaffetz, out hunting in a crispy brand-new Army fatigue outfit and holding his little dog. When the history books are written, Rep. Chaffetz will be on the Mount Rushmore of Republican-cowards-of-the-21st-century.” Don’t believe me?
The fact that he hashtags this #keepitpublic and #tbt is mind-numbing.
Unfortunately, Rep. Chaffetz has not withdrawn H.R. 622, sponsored and set into motion on the same day. H.R.622 would terminate the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management and replace it with the new “states rights” Republican fad—block grants. This way, if you have enough law enforcement connected to white supremacists and Y’all Qaeda, you can let the Koch brothers and their private police take over our public lands.
Maybe it’s time for Rep. Chaffetz to go back home and not look his daughter in the eyes.


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