Tuesday 14 February 2017

Kellyanne Conway Just Went On ‘The Today Show’ & Got Crushed By Matt Lauer (VIDEO) By Caleb R. Newton

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Kellyanne Conway Just Went On ‘The Today Show’ & Got Crushed By Matt Lauer (VIDEO) 
By Caleb R. Newton

Saturday Night Live is so painfully funny these days because it’s so painfully realistic.
Trump’s Senior Adviser Kellyanne Conway appeared this morning on NBC’s Today Show, and what she attempted to express to host Matt Lauer made — in his words — no sense.
Lauer began by asking Conway about her mischaracterization of the situation surrounding the now resigned National Security Adviser, Ret. General Michael Flynn, and things went downhill from there.
Lauer began, “Yesterday afternoon on MSNBC you said that Michael Flynn enjoyed the full confidence of the president. Sean Spicer later said the president was ‘evaluating the situation,’ and then Michael Flynn resigns overnight — were you out of the loop on this?”
Conway replied by asserting that both her and Spicer’s statements were true; after all, she said, the president is a “very loyal person.”
Lauer went on, riding on Conway’s implication, that the president found no issue with being loyal to traitors, asking her, “So had [Flynn] not resigned, would Trump have kept him on as National Security Adviser, even though he misled the Vice President?”
Conway replied by stating that Flynn’s misleading of the Vice President is what became “unsustainable.” (Flynn told Pence that he hadn’t discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with a Russian diplomat. In fact, he had.)
Lauer quickly pointed out that Conway’s assertion is dubious because the White House had known that Flynn lied to Pence for weeks before Flynn actually resigned. Thus, the thing that became “unsustainable” is not that Flynn lied to the VP — it’s that the public found out that Flynn lied. Mind you, it was common knowledge in the upper echelons of power in the U.S. that Flynn was vulnerable to Russian blackmail while he was still sticking to his lie.
But Trump still had “full confidence” in him?
Conway made some sort of attempt at replying to Lauer’s observations, stating that what he’d explained was “one characterization.”
Lauer wasn’t interested.
He went on of Conway’s assertion that Trump did not question his aide even after it was revealed that he’d illegally played into the Russians’ hands and then lied about it:
‘Kellyanne, that makes no sense! Last month the Justice Department warned the White House that General Flynn misled them! And that as a result he was vulnerable to blackmail and at that moment he still had the complete trust of the president?’
Conway had no response, other then to repeat what she’d said earlier in an effort to deflect the Lauer’s pointed questioning. Lauer even brought up the possibility that Trump had “full confidence” in Flynn because he himself had instructed Flynn to make those infamous calls to the Russian Ambassador. Conway unsurprisingly asserted that such was false.
Watch Conway’s appearance on NBC below.

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