Sunday 5 February 2017

Sanna Ukkola: Why force-fed children ideology?

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Sanna Ukkola: Why force-fed children ideology?
When ideology took over the vineyards and schools? Now, in addition to forced Sweden will be forced carrot and forced feminism, writes Sanna Ukkola.
Sanna Ukkola
For students want to continue to serve up more and more organic food. Helsinki-based day-care centers began late last year vegaaniruokakokeilu. In addition to all elementary school ysiluokkalaisille be distributed in the spring of the book, which is called "We should all be feminists".
This raises a bunch of questions. Feminism, veganism. Is isms place in schools?
Why ideologies gaining ground in kindergartens and schools? Why seat of learning must be politicized?
Schools is to be served more organic products than dishes normally produced in the direction of Finland EU aid received school meals from organic products. Support Change of Agriculture has prepared Kimmo Tiilikainen (center), incidentally organic entrepreneur himself.
Children's dinner tables chartered for future organic milk, organic fruits and organic vegetables.
Organic Federation shall rejoice, but scientists shake their heads.
EU support for school meals is intended to "raise their babies healthy eating habits and to increase the consumption of nutritionally good products".
"Organic food is associated with the production of ideology, ideological greenwash. However, it is not related in any way to health, so supporting organic farming assets, which are intended to support a healthy diet, is very special, "says VTT Biotechnology researcher Lauri Reuter Aamulehti interview 
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"Organic is a sympathetic thing, but it can not be justified on the healthiness. The display is missing. Some of the studies is slightly more expensive organic products in the superiority of position, but not significantly, "says this same story also professor of nutritional sciences Mikael Fogelholm.
In twenty day-care center in Helsinki was started a year-long vegaaniruokakokeilu in October. The nursery offers vegan food on the basis of wishing or reluctant babys parents notice.
Then children will not be served meat, fish, poultry, milk, eggs, no cheese or any other animal products.
Vegan ride right now on the crest of trends, the shops appeared vegaanihyllyjä, in January media gave ample almost nothing but positive press coverage on vegaaniruokahaasteelle.
Vegan probably get healthy, if parents manage to look into the matter thoroughly enough. However, vegan is extremely restrictive, and for example, vitamin b12 to get to a supplement, because it is not in any plant products. Trees branches may follow the child's growth and development disorders that may occur only after many years, for example, the nervous system symptoms.
Syömishäiriöikeskuksen Executive Director Pia Charpentier has warned that an eating disorder can have access vegan 
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eating disorder suffer four times more likely adhere to a vegetarian diet, and Charpentier, the vegetarian diet can contribute to eating disorders illness.

The new nutrition recommendation , the carefully assembled vegan is also suitable for children and young people. All nutritionists do not, however, convinced of the matter, because the research is taking place.
"Veganism has been studied very little children. Sound field could be described as uncertain at the moment. Multi-expert sees that additional studies are needed, "says nutritional education Sanna Talviainen MTV3 interview 
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He knows the subject, because the guidelines for the Public Health Nutritionists Association vegan diet was involved in the drafting:
"If a family has the choice made, the nutrition expert, task is to help. Ideology is acceptable ", Talviainen says.
Gender equality accelerate schools this year also ysiluokkalaisille by dividing the book "We should all be feminists". Included in the nationwide project financing, for example, the Ministry of Education and Culture - and feminist think tank cap.
The book is full of shocking generalizations that may apply writer born in Nigeria but not in Finland 2017. According to the book, for example, women are taught to strive to get married, but men do not. Society must be an unmarried woman as a failure, but the man has not yet found "the right one". According to the book for girls are taught that they can not be sexual beings in the same way as boys. Parents is reportedly not disgusting to hear that the boy has a girlfriend. But the girl's boyfriend is not out of the question.
Complete babbling Finland in the 2000s.
"How does it affect if a joint project of the banks, think tanks Libera and the Ministry of Finance would pamphlet" We should all be liberal '? Would it be possible to divide this kind of work an entire age group, "wondered the history and social studies teacher Juho Mäenpää Helsingin Sanomat 
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He is not going to share a record of their students, because he did not want his own words beginning with "Ad Person of the controversial ideologies that propagates parties".
Last October, the Board of Education argued that the constant mention of sex to give your child over-emphasized understanding of the significance of gender. Board of Education of the children, it is important to speak with a spade, not a set of "girls" or "boys".
Somewhat perversely , of course, by the fact that if gender differences should not be in schools, therefore, to emphasize why the children are divided into book feminism - which speaks only sexual.
Adults are free to choose their ideology on my own. Everyone gets the belief that what wants to choose for themselves and even their diet. But is it right to force the child to eat small adult ideology, or to impose other children all political ideologies ever since primary school? I would not be quite sure.


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