Wednesday 1 February 2017

Second Republican senator to vote against DeVos

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Second Republican senator to vote against DeVos

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) announced that she would not be voting for President Trump’s pick to lead the Education Department, becoming the second Republican senator to oppose Betsy DeVos's nomination.
Murkowski made her announcement on the Senate floor, just after GOP Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) announced she would oppose DeVos.
The pair are the first two Republicans to break with President Trump on his Cabinet nominees. Their no votes will make it difficult for DeVos to be confirmed. Republicans hold 52 seats in the Senate. If every Democrat votes against DeVos, Vice President Pence could break the tie.
No Democrats have said they will vote for DeVos.
"I have serious concerns about a nominee to be secretary of Education ... who has been so immersed in the discussion of vouchers," she said.
"I do not intend to vote on final passage to support Ms. DeVos to be secretary of Education," she said.

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