Saturday 21 January 2017

There Are More People At National Mall For Women’s March Than Attended Trump Inauguration

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There Are More People At National Mall For Women’s March Than Attended Trump Inauguration

CNN is reporting that there are already more people at the National Mall for the Women's March On Washington than attended Trump's inauguration.
CNN is reporting that there are already more people at the National Mall for the Women’s March On Washington than attended Trump’s inauguration.
CNN reported that more people are at the National Mall for the Women’s March On Washington than attended Trump’s inaugural:

There were more people still flowing in to the National Mall:
The overflow crowd at Independence and 4th Ave.:
 While the Metro was largely empty for Trump’s inauguration, it is clogged with people for the Women’s March:
It isn’t even close. Trump’s inaugural is being blown away by a roar from the American people in resistance to what the new majority in the US government is planning on doing.
Donald Trump hailed a failed inaugural that was poorly attended and lacked enthusiasm. To use Trump terms, his inauguration was low energy and sad. The majority of voters did not vote for Donald Trump to be the next president, and that majority is demonstrating that while Republicans may temporarily control the federal government, it is the majority who are fighting back in America.

 The AP reports that data suggests there are more people at the March than were at Trump’s inaugural, “Figures from transportation officials in Washington suggest more people may be on the National Mall for the women’s march than came for President Donald Trump’s inauguration. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, 275,000 people had taken trips on the city’s subway system. On Inauguration Day, 193,000 trips had been taken as of that time, and the rail system opened an hour earlier that day, at 4 a.m.”

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