Monday 6 February 2017

Trump Just Threw A Post Super Bowl Temper Tantrum

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Trump Just Threw A Post Super Bowl Temper Tantrum

Last night, during one of his daily Twitter tantrums, President Donald Trump lashed out at recent polls which prove he has the worst public approval rating of any President, ever. In the CNN/ORC poll, released last Friday, over half of respondents (53%) disapproved of the way Trump was leading the country. This is in stark contrast to President Barack Obama’s ratings in the same period of his presidency, who scored the highest approval rating of 75% during his first two weeks as president.
Of course, poor little Donald’s bloated ego couldn’t take this lying down. The leader of the free world responded by stomping his feet, or rather his fingers, as he criticized any media outlet which dared to speak the truth:

That’s right folks, any news that is any way critical of our president is officially “fake”, according to him.  This tweet speaks volumes about Trump’s mental state – the man is clearly a narcissist with the mental age of 10 if he, as president, can’t take a little bit of criticism. How is he supposed to make difficult decisions or negotiate with political adversaries and foreign leaders in person if a simple poll hurts his feelings sends him into a rage?
That’s right folks, any news that is any way critical of our president is officially “fake”, according to him.  This tweet speaks volumes about Trump’s mental state – the man is clearly a narcissist with the mental age of 10 if he, as president, can’t take a little bit of criticism. How is he supposed to make difficult decisions or negotiate with political adversaries and foreign leaders in person if a simple poll hurts his feelings sends him into a rage?

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