Saturday 20 August 2016

Donald Trump Completely SILENT After Louisiana Gov. Reveals Why Obama Hasn’t Visited!

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Donald Trump Completely SILENT After Louisiana Gov. Reveals Why Obama Hasn’t Visited!

In the midst of terrible flooding in Louisiana that the Red Cross is calling the worst U.S. disaster since hurricanes Katrina and Sandy (aside from Trump’s campaign, we assume) and that has killed at least 13 people and left thousands displaced from their homes, many on the right, including Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, have blasted President Obama for not visiting the flood-ravaged state yet.
On Friday, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards issued a statement that should shut down those baseless criticisms for good, claiming that a presidential visit would do much more harm than good. Edwards statements says…
“It is a major ordeal, they free up the interstate for him. We have to take hundreds of local first responders, police officers, sheriffs, deputies and state troopers to provide security for that type of visit. I would just as soon have those people engaged in the response rather than trying to secure the president. So I’d ask him to wait, if he would, another couple weeks.”
Trump was loudly and obnoxiously calling on Obama to cut his vacation short to visit Louisiana, but has been remarkably silent on the issue since the Governor issued his statement. Governor Edwards continued with a sharp rebuke of Donald Trump, accusing him of exploiting this tragedy for his own political gain.
Now, the next time you hear someone bashing Obama for not going to Louisiana to visit, you can direct them to the above statement from the Louisiana Governor.

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