Thursday 18 August 2016

Texas Wants to SECEDE If Hillary Wins – Do You Support Them?

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Texas Wants to SECEDE If Hillary Wins – Do You Support Them?

Are you surprised at all? Texans are pissed, in fact, I think it’s safe to say that we the people are pissed at the federal government. However, Texas is so upset…that they want to leave the United States regardless of the 2016 election.

Via Breitbart:
The poll also shows that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump leads in the Lone Star State with 44 percent of the vote to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s 38 percent. The Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll said that six percent said they were voting for Libertarian Gary Johnson; two percent polled said they were voting for Green Party candidate Jill Stein; and less than half a percent polled were for Evan McMullin. Ten percent of those polled were undecided.
Overall, 54 percent of Texans said they disapprove of President Obama’s job performance.
The PPP poll released Tuesday reports that “A Democratic victory in Texas this year remains a stretch.” It adds though, “but within the numbers there are signs of Democrats being positioned to become seriously competitive there in the years ahead.” The polling company said it was looking at the present Republican 63-33 advantage among seniors. They conclude “Older voters are overwhelmingly responsible for the Republican advantage in Texas, and generational change is likely to help Democrats become more competitive.” Growth in racial diversity, including what the poll calls “the state’s booming Hispanic population,” would also be responsible for “that generational change,” they said.
The poll shows that Clinton is unpopular in Texas and has a 36/59 favorability rating. Trump maintains a 40 percent favorability rating.
Trump voters agree with precautionary warnings that the election is rigged. If Clinton wins, a whopping 71 percent said that it would be because the election was rigged while roughly 40% of Texans overall would feel the same. The poll specifically reported that 40 percent of Trump voters “think ACORN will steal the election for Hillary Clinton.”
As reported by Breitbart Texas previously in May, Houston-based True the Vote discovered hundreds of cases of duplicated voter registrations in the Cleveland, Ohio area with approximately 30 percent of those findings caused by falsified birth dates and social security numbers provided by ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).
After ACORN was formally shutdown, 18 employees were convicted or admitted guilt to committing election crimes, according to Fox News. As the Breitbart Texas article outlines, a large percentage of the work that ACORN engaged in has been officially questioned.

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