Thursday 18 August 2016

Louisiana is underwater … where’s Barack Obama?

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Louisiana is underwater … where’s Barack Obama?
By: Robert Eno

Louisiana is suffering some of the worst widespread flooding since the 1927 flood that inspired the Randy Newman song “Louisiana 1927.” The flooding started last Friday, after over two feet of rain fell in some parts of the state in just 48 hours. Shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit, George Bush flew over the area to survey the damage and coordinate a response. President Barack Obama has yet to even address the situation, never mind lead the effort to respond.  Bush got ridiculed in the media for his action, there has been media silence on Obama’s inaction.
For Obama it isn’t just the flooding in Louisiana that he is not leading on; it is also the warzone that Milwaukee has become over the last 72 hours. There have been multiple reports that instead of taking action, Obama spent the weekend, once again, golfing. The Daily Caller reported on Obama’s golf schedule yesterday.
At 11:15 a.m. Monday morning, President Obama arrived at Vineyard Golf Club, where he’ll spend the afternoon golfing with businessman Marty Nesbitt, lawyer Cy Walker and former NBA player Alonzo Mourning, according to White House pool reports. The weather was described as a “pitch-perfect afternoon.”
“Pitch perfect afternoon?” Not for the over hundred thousand Louisiana residents who have lost their homes, in just one parish.

There are some in the state who hope the media and the president stay away, and allow Louisianans to help each other out of the crisis. Scott McKay a Louisiana based writer for the American Spectator, and publisher of the Louisiana political blog The Haywire, wrote a post on Facebook outlining his concerns - 

The response of the people of Baton Rouge and Lafayette, with neighbor helping neighbor, doesn’t fit into the main stream media narrative of a nation on the brink suffering from racial tension.

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