Saturday 27 August 2016

Fox News Anchor Bashes Trump for All to See, Instantly Regrets It When Black Pastor Pulls Out All the Stops

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Fox News Anchor Bashes Trump for All to See, Instantly Regrets It When Black Pastor Pulls Out All the Stops

John S. Roberts

Democrats have always been the party of racism.
They wanted slavery to stick around and they were against passing the Civil Rights Act.
Today, Dems keep blacks and minorities enslaved to the government by offering them handouts by redistributing money.
Here’s a black Donald Trump supporter claiming Hillary Clinton should go Al Jolson and wear blackface, because she sees them as ‘inferior.’
From The Blaze:
During an intensely heated debate on Fox News’ “Hannity” Friday night, Pastor Darrell Scott, a strong supporter of Donald Trump, came to the Republican nominee’s defense, saying he was absolutely right to call Hillary Clinton a “bigot.”
The comments came after host Sean Hannity got caught in a back-and-forth with fellow network anchor Juan Williams. Hannity said he doesn’t “want to see the race-baiting that Hillary Clinton played this week,” presumably referring to her speech against the alt-right.
“But considering it’s her, and she’s so dishonest, and she lies so often, and she sold out her office, and she got caught, I’m not surprised she did it,” Hannity charged.
Williams then moved in to criticize Trump for his apparent shift on immigration reform, but Scott interjected.
“One thing you have to understand when Donald Trump calls Hillary a bigot. Bigotry does not always manifest as hatred. Bigotry can be manifest with kindness and niceness.”
As an example, he said Clinton — in his view — feels she has to “reach down to help” black people, which proves she believes they are “inferior to her.”
“That’s insulting,” the pastor replied. “She might as well put on blackface — that’s what she might as well do. She pantomimes us, she insults us, she imitates us.”

Over the years we’ve seen Hillary pander hard to blacks.
“I don’t feel no ways tired.”
Thankfully, not all blacks buy into Hillary’s BS.

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