Friday 5 August 2016

High School Cross-Country Team Invites Shelter Dogs On Their Morning Run

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High School Cross-Country Team Invites Shelter Dogs On Their Morning Run

Nobody wants to stay cooped up indoors on a nice summer day — and shelter animals are certainly no exception. Lucky for these pent-up pups, they found just the people to get them out and moving.

On Thursday, the dozen or so adoptable dogs from the Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter were treated to the best morning ever. 
Students from St. Joseph High School Cross-Country Team, in California, decided it would be nice to invite them along on their daily workout. So, each was paired with a dog partner before heading out for a miles-long run as one great big happy group.
"I am not sure who was more excited and having the most fun ... the dogs or the kids," team coach Luis Escobar wrote online. "Either way, it was a great time and I am sure we will do it again sometime soon."
Indeed, everyone involved clearly had a blast — even little Fred who tuckered out early.
We hope this becomes a regular thing, and that it inspires other schools to try it out, too.


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