Tuesday 16 August 2016

Man’s ‘Only God can judge me’ tattoo proved wrong by county court judge

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Man’s ‘Only God can judge me’ tattoo proved wrong by county court judge

A TATTOO claiming ‘Only God can judge me’, has been proved wrong by a county court judge.
Tom Booker of Stevenage appeared in court charged with a spate of burglaries and displaying body art stating that only a Biblical entity could pass judgement upon him.
Judge Fisher said, “It may well be the case that only some sort of deity responsible for all life on Earth can judge you in the afterlife.
“But in this life, I’m judging you. I’m also sentencing you to four months in prison.”
Booker said: “This is exactly what they did to Tupac. Or similar at least.”
Judge Fisher was surprised to have to say the exact same thing later that day to lap dancer/cocaine dealer Donna Sheridan and car thief Wayne Hayes.
Hayes said: ”The judge obviously didn’t read my tattoo properly, because if she had she would have realised I was out of her jurisdiction.”

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