Thursday 11 August 2016

Girl poses proudly beside dead giraffe

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Girl  poses proudly beside dead giraffe

 by  | Source: METRONIEUWS.NL

US Aryanna Gourdin (12) with her family on a trip in Africa. Not only to lie in a pool, but also to go hunting. That adventure she shared pride in her Facebook page.
They recently posted a picture where she proudly poses next to a dead giraffe. In the picture the girl looks over the moon, but that by no means was the reaction of many Facebook users.
"It is impossible to describe how wrong this is," it sounds more impressed. Someone else asked what gave her the right to just rob an animal of his life. Or 'people like you make it to the next generations impossible to see such beautiful animals. "

But Gourdin, biting firmly to himself: "This giraffe was quite elderly and moreover a danger to other giraffes. By shooting him, we are sure that other animals have higher chances of survival. " But what explanation they also gave the girl still remained invective get over them. Her photo album was shared busy, but perhaps that was not because of the beautiful holiday snaps.
The picture is reminiscent of an incident a year ago, with the American dentist Walter Palmer lion killed Cecil . He then came into the eye of a storm right because it appeared that Cecil was a real tourist attraction.

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